The world’s best vaporizers
Experience the smoothest vapor, highest yield, and the longest lasting medical grade herbal & liquid vaporizers with the Volcano Hybrid, Volcano Digit, Volcano Classic, Mighty, Crafty and Plenty made by Storz & Bickel.
Browse & Compare
Experience the difference with that Volcano, Mighty, Crafty & Plenty vaporizers.
Eliminate the guesswork with vaporizers made by Storz & Bickel.
Taste the vapor rainbow with the Volcano, Mighty, Crafy & Plenty.
Storz & Bickel vaporizers carry a 3-year manufacture warranty.
Get the most bang for your buck with Storz & Bickel vaporizers.
It's amazing how much more economical it is to vaporize versus smoking. I'm going weeks rather than days before needing more.
- Robin, satisfied customer
Since switching to over almost entirely to vaping, I don't cough as much and my respiratory system feels much less congested.
- Andrew, satisfied customer
The quality and consistency of vapor is unmatched compared to other devices in my opinion.
- Ryan Hilberth, Creative Director & CEO of 420 Studio
Choose the perfect vaporizer for you.
Top-of-the-line vaporizer
The latest and greatest newly-upgraded Volcano
- Push-button temperature & air controls
- Digital LED display screen w/ Bluetooth
- Newly upgraded filling chamber
- 3-year manufacture defect warranty
2nd generation Volcano with digital temperature controls
- Push-button temperature gauge
- Digital LED display screen
- 3-year manufacture defect warranty
- Easy to clean and use
The original Volcano with twist-knob temperature control
- Manual twist-knob temperature gauge
- Solid set or quick valve chamber option
- 3-year manufacture defect warranty
- Easy to clean and use
Most powerful cordless vaporizer
Storz & Bickel’s most powerful portable vaporizer
- Portable & lightweight
- Latest & greatest technology
- Cordless and easy to clean/use
- 3-year manufacture defect warranty
Most portable cordless vaporizer
The best combo of size and battery power/strength
- Portable & lightweight
- Latest & greatest technology
- Cordless and easy to clean/use
- 3-year manufacture defect warranty
Most powerful handheld vaporizer
Storz & Bickel’s only stationary handheld vaporizer
- Easily portable & lightweight
- Corded power source (no battery)
- 3-year manufacture defect warranty
- Easy to clean and use